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Overnight Open Thread (12-26-2013) »
December 26, 2013
What Cities Desperately Need: Moar Rob Ford! [OregonMuse]

Mayor Ford Courts The Vitally-Challenged Vote In Toronto
OK, so the media chatter we've all heard about Rob Ford is that he's Toronto's crack-smoking, hard-drinking mayor who consorts with prostitutes and makes racist remarks.
And apparently, he's the only Canadian politician in the entire country who indulges in scandalous behavior. This is according to the American media who never seem to report on the failings of other public officials north of the border.
So it's only Ford who's guilty, right?
For more on this story, we switch you now over to our AoSHQ Canadian news correspondent, 'andycanuck' in the Great White North. Andy, what can you tell us about Toronto's controversial mayor?
"Crack mayor" is a fiscal con who has limited tax increases to the (imaginary) 1.5% inflation rate, cut spending by half a billion, ended or lowered city fees and brought city unions to heel, making him the best mayor I've known in Toronto in my adult life.
The leftist media especially the 9th-grade-level-written NYT wannabe, the Toronto Star, that was pissed off that their candidate, a married gay "ex" coke-head who lost $1-billion through incompetence trying to put the province's medical records onto a single database when he was a Liberal cabinet minister (where he was knows as Furious George by underlings over his violent temper) lost in a landslide to the not-quite-our-class-dear, overweight Rob Ford so they've been after him and his family since the day after the election.
BTW, the married gay mayoral candidate stage-managed finalization of the adoption of a black kid for the day of the election that, ha-ha, he lost; and recently his 'husband' went missing for half a day and was found wandering in a stupor (to coin a phrase) in a section of the city known for its crack houses---a story the MFM has shown surprisingly little interest in investigating. A MFM that has also been ignoring a Liberal mayor charged with massive corruption; the lesbian Liberal premier (the province's "prime minister") who is currently in a billion-dollar-plus scandal; and a Liberal former deputy minister of education for Ontario and close friend to the lesbian premier and the federal Liberal Party's leader, Justin Trudeau, who has been arrested for kiddie pr0n possession and creation
Thank you for that report, andycanuck.
So, as you can plainly see, there's a reason why the media prefers to dwell on the scandals of Rob Ford, and ignore the equally embarrassing behavior of other Canadian politicians, and it's just the reason you'd expect: he's a successful conservative whose policy decisions have improved the quality of life for Toronto's citizens.
So naturally the liberals want to see him destroyed.
More on this story here.
And thanks to 'andycanuck' for putting some knowledge to the rest of us down here in the states.
Oh, and this can be the pre-ONT open thread. I'm a giver.

posted by Open Blogger at
08:44 PM
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