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December 22, 2013
Sunday Gun Thread
Andrew is traveling this weekend and asked me to fill in.
He's done it for me. I will do it for him.
What the heck is this cray cray assault rifle?
(answer below the fold)
Charles C.W. Cooke correctly defines an assault rifle as one that has selective fire, off, one round, more than one round, all the rounds upon the depression of the trigger. The firearm pictured above is not an assault rifle.
15 million of them were made though, and they were mo debnly "assault rifles".
Fun with gun news. Google up "guns" and "news". I'll bet you a paycheck (and my paycheck doesn't suck) the top ten googles are "gun buy backs" and "stories about kids getting accidentally shot with firearms". GOOGLE IT.
See what I mean?
Elbows Boobs up later. Promise.
That there is my very own Commie SKS. A Samozaryadnyj Karabin sistemy Simonova, 1945 in 7.62x39mm mess you up rifle.
Bonus assault rifle! What the heck is this?
That there is my dad's Remington single shot .22 "squirrel rifle" as he called it. His brother gave it to him sometime around 1937, and I've had it since 1977. The sight elevation thingy is lost to the mists of antiquity, I've always had to use Kentucky windage to hit anything with it, but I can hit things with it.
If there are topics you're interested in seeing in the gun thread, please send them to AoSHQGunThread at gmail. You can also send them to me (him, Andy) on Twitter at @AndyM1911.
The owner's manual for your concealed carry permit: The Law of Self Defense
Defend the Second Amendment. Join: The National Rifle Association * Gun Owners of America * The National Shooting Sports Foundation * Your state's second amendment org.
Celebrate America's firearms heritage: participate in Project Appleseed.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:25 AM
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