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December 16, 2013
Paul Ryan: I'm Going to Bring the Same Kind of Conservative, Republican Principles to the Amnesty Issue That I Brought to the Budget Compromise
Oh, yay!
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) told a local Wisconsin radio station that the U.S. immigration system is "broken" and indefensible" and he'll support reform as long as it "maintains Republican, conservative principles."
Sure, like the budget deal. Very cool.
Speaking to 620WTMJ radio's Charles Sykes, Ryan described his principles for reform as: "Guaranteed border security, guaranteed interior enforcement, no amnesty -- then I think that's productive. I think that's in our interest. I think that's good for our country," he said. "A legal immigration system that's wired for your economy, versus the chain migration system we have today where he don't have the rule of law, we don't know who's coming and going -- is bad."
"First we must have the border security, and independently verified. First we must have the interior enforcement like E-Verify in place and independently verified before the other parts of the law that they want to go into place go into place," he said. "So it's not a 'trust, hope and promise.' It's a 'get what we want, verify it's there, then the rest of the law can be triggered.'"
Triggered. Ah yes.
The GOP has a cool euphemism for "Amnesty." That euphemism is "No Amnesty," by which they mean "amnesty." They always tick down the hard-sounding things they say they're going to demand -- E-Verify, "border security" (usually of the "virtual" sort) and then go right to the Same Old Deal they've been offering forever. First we get these supposed concessions to security, then some kind of "independent" panel staffed by people chosen by Obama gets to verify that the border is secure, and then that triggers amnesty.
See, it's not amnesty. It's "no amnesty," which is like amnesty, except we get border walls which are not walls ("virtual walls!!!") and we get a gaggle of pro-amnesty people to "independently verify" that everything's cool and then we get amnesty.
Except it's not amnesty, they tell us. Why, in many ways, this will be a a far more severely conservative regime than the current one.
Just like Paul Ryan's budget deal will produce even more conservative reduction in government in 2022-2023.