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December 15, 2013
Gun Thread (12-15-2013)
Well Done, Morons
That Denver Post stealth edit of the Arapahoe shooter's socialism blew up on Twitter yesterday, and it was caught by Moronette 'Wordy girl' in yesterday's morning thread. I tweeted it to Bob Owens, who also had the "Socialism" version of the story, Instapundit retweeted that tweet, Owens updated his story and started hammering the Denver Post on it and, well, it just kind of took off, leading to this idiotic statement that Ace covered yesterday:
As it turns out, this guy seems to have not had much of a problem talking with his classmates about his affinity for statist ideologies.
Senior Chris Davis, 18, was among many students Saturday trying to make sense of Pierson's shooting rampage.
"He was a weird kid," Davis said. "He's a self-proclaimed communist, just wears Soviet shirts all the time."
You can safely bet everything you own that if he'd ever worn a Gadsden flag shirt, there'd be wall-to-wall coverage at the Denver Post, and we'd know the size, manufacturer, location of purchase and all the rest by now.
Related: The Tweetable Guide To Media Myths And Left-wing Violence
Gun-Control Dishonesty
A must-read by the always excellent Charles C. W. Cooke:
Earlier in the year, as the gun-control movement tried clumsily to transform an abomination into a cudgel, the Washington Post’s Kathleen Parker distilled its problem into a single sentence. “Nothing proposed in the gun-control debates would have prevented the mass killing of children at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” Parker contended plainly, “and everybody knows it.”
This was abundantly clear at the time, and it is even more so in retrospect. And yet I must nitpick ever so slightly with Parker’s excellent contention, for it is missing the crucial word “almost.” Almost everybody knows it. The public seems to know it. Legislators seem to know it. But, judging by the abundance of vexed anniversary columns, a significant cabal of journalists and activists have never got the message. A year later, their cry is as it was at the outset: Why won’t we act?
Gun Of The Week
(answer below)
Marksmanship Awards
Gun Of The Week - Answer
That's the Colt Python .357 magnum revolver. I'm more of an S&W man myself when it comes to wheelguns, but the Colt's a nice piece.
Help An 'Ette
I got the following request by email from 'Miss Maureen', and I know you guys would love to lend a hand:
With Christmas right around the corner, I'm looking for some advice on a gift for my BF and thought the Horde might be able to help.
We've got an AR which is sadly unadorned. I'd like to get at least a combo scope and light for him this year, but am 100% clueless when it comes to what's good and what's a good price. (I know he wants the light to have a strobe.) Also, what are some other cool, useful add-ons?
I thought a discussion of the best stocking-stuffer accessories might be fun.
I completely agree (and would suggest picking up a few standard-capacity magazines like this beauty from Magpul for stocking stuffers. Because you can never have enough mags.)
What say you, horde?
If there are topics you're interested in seeing in the gun thread, please send them to AoSHQGunThread at gmail. You can also send them to me on Twitter at @AndyM1911.
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