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December 12, 2013
Press No Longer Believing Claims That Obama's Administration is the "Most Transparent In History"
Comically Evasive Mouthpiece Jay Carney attempted to claim that it was perfectly normal to claim an event was "private," and thus no press was permitted, and yet also send a White House propaganda photographer there to take pictures to be distributed publicly via social media and OFA emails.
One reporter insists that the Obama Administration is less transparent than the Bush Administration. Her colleagues seem to agree with her claim.
Carney's claim is that the Internet-- the "transformation" of the news by the Internet -- has forced Obama to engage in deception and propaganda.
No, Jay. It's merely allowed him to do so. And this White House has seized that opportunity with relish.
He goes on to claim that Obama only does this in order to provide "free" pictures to the public -- he doesn't want to force people to buy newspapers, you see.
He doesn't explain why both White House and press photographers can be present at "private" events, so that there will be both a free picture and a picture people have to pay for (by buying a newspaper).
There's a logical reason why he doesn't explain this: It's because he's lying.
Check the video at Mediaite. Worth watching.
Thanks to @johnekdahl.