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Thursday Morning News Dump »
December 12, 2013
Top Headline Comments (12-12-2013)
We can haz morning thread?
The sign language interpreter at the Mandela memorial service claims he was having a schizophrenic episode.
Rich Lowry on the left's reality problem.
Paul Ryan on the House GOP leadership's reality problem.
Contra Ryan's claims in the piece linked above, Sean Davis writes at The Federalist: Don’t Be Fooled: The Murray/Ryan Budget Deal Clearly Raises Taxes. Davis has the better argument, and I'm in thorough agreement with his conclusion:
Had top Republicans pitched this deal as the best way to avoid blame for another shutdown (even it the shutdown was solely the fault of Democrats who refused to abide by the sequestration law President Obama signed in 2011), I would have been somewhat sympathetic. I still wouldn’t like the deal, but that rationale would at least have the benefit of being intellectually honest.
But Ryan and his allies in GOP leadership need to stop insulting the intelligence of their voters by expecting them to suddenly forget the meanings of certain words. GOP leaders have a serious and widening credibility gap with their base. Dishonest, Orwellian word games are only going to make matters worse.
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