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December 11, 2013
Almost No One Is Buying Private Insurance Through ObamaCare Exchanges
That's a slightly different take that the MSM's "OMG, OMG, ObamaCare Enrollments Surging" headlines but mine is more accurate.
Here's the bottom line.
Just about 1.2 million people have gained health coverage through Obamacare, according to new federal data released Wednesday morning.
Approximately 365,000 of those people have purchased private insurance and 803,000 have been determined to be eligible for the public Medicaid program. These numbers count data from both October and November, and show an especially quick growth in HealthCare.gov enrollment.
A couple of things to give that some actual context.
1- At least 5 million people have lost coverage due to policies being cancelled thanks to ObamaCare. So that 365,000 number is insignificant compared to that. There will no doubt be more uninsured on January 1 than there were on October 1. Don't let them get away with pretending "1.2 million people who didn't have insurance have it now!".
Liberals will point to the new "enrollments" (and assume they will pay and become actual customers) while ignoring the previously uninsured who won't get coverage in time or be able to afford the new rates and deductibles.
The are simply redistributing health insurance from those who paid for it to those who didn't. This is a victory in their minds.
2. You can talk about all the "quick growth" from October to November all you want but it's still far, far below the original targets.
The 364,000 people who have signed up through the first two months still fall short of the administration's expectations for October alone. Another 3 million people would have to sign up this month alone in order to hit the initial year-end goal.
HHS had expected 3.3 million people to sign up by the end of December and 7 million by March 31, when the enrollment window closes. Although enrollment will surely miss the mark for this year, HHS officials said they remain confident they will reach their ultimate goal.
The administration and dead-enders in the media want to judge the numbers against the pathetic first month, not the original targets (which the actuarial numbers are based on).
There's no reason other than advocacy to grant this dispensation.
3. There's still no word on the demographic makeup of this new cohort. The death spiral is still very much in play.
Bottom line: The flacks and hacks will cheer but the reality of the numbers is disastrous.

posted by DrewM. at
10:32 AM
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