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November 29, 2013
Overnight Open Thread -- 11/29/13
My deepest apologies for the tardiness of this thread. With the holidays and some family issues in recent days, it had completely slipped my mind. So, lets start out with a fair approximation of what I feel like right about now.
As a bartender, I get to see quite a few bar tricks. Unfortunately, I can never remember them. But, in the event you have a better memory than I do -- and who doesn't -- here's a few you might want to use on your friends.
Of course, working in bars means you have to spend a great deal of time dealing with drunks. It's a lot like dealing with children, actually. Only, when they pass out in your bar, you have to kick them out of the place. When they pass out in your home, however, you can have a bit of fun with them. Drunk-shaming, they call it. And, since you do it with drunks in your home, why not do it with the children as well?

Of course, the fun with children in your household doesn't have to stop there. Sometimes, the best time to get them is when they least expect it: First thing in the morning, when they're groggy and incoherent. Here's a fun little prank that's sure to delight the whole family at their expense.

Well, that's all I got for tonight's ONT. Please accept my deepest apologies for the delay. I hope you guys -- and Ace and the cobs -- can find it within yourselves to forgive me.

posted by Damn Dirty RINO at
11:43 PM
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