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November 26, 2013
Alec Baldwin, Like His Hero Barack Obama, Does Not Care if that Woman Has Cancer
MSNBC has apparently fired Alec Baldwin over his gay-baiting insults of a papparazzi.
Still on the payroll, as @benshapiro and others point out: Martin Bashir, who recently suggested truly vile things be done to Sarah Palin.
But Sarah Palin isn't a core demographic for MSNBC, so Game On.
Alec Baldwin is a horrible, horrible person. You knew that, I'm sure. But you probably wouldn't have guessed it would come to this:
“The decision has been made. He’s gone,” an insider at the cable channel told me. “The [parent company] Comcast guys have decided. Word is spreading through the building.”
Baldwin’s dismissal was decided on partly because of his diva-like behavior toward co-workers, a source said.
Besides demanding a humidifier because he claimed the air at 30 Rock was too dry, Baldwin alienated staffers when he demanded a separate makeup room being used by a woman with cancer who is sensitive to hairspray.
When Baldwin was told he couldn’t have his way, he allegedly bellowed at the top of his lungs, “I don’t give a f - - k if she has cancer or not, I want that f - - king makeup room.”
Baldwin's career has been over for a while -- yes, he was okay on 30 Rock, but few watched that -- but this should be the final nail in the coffin.
I imagine Sylvester Stallone will try to get him for The Expendables 4 (if the third one makes money).
But Alec Baldwin was never really an action movie star. And it's going to be kind of hard to play a Tough Guy Action Hero when your two most famous quotes involve, first, calling your young daughter a "thoughtless little pig" because she didn't call you when you were expecting, and two, screaming things like this:
“I don’t give a f - - k if she has cancer or not, I want that f - - king makeup room.”
Yeah, it's hard to really project the Action Hero persona when you're screaming about a make-up room and not caring about whether the woman using it has cancer or not.
You can't even credibly play a Tough Guy Action Villain, either. The guy who played Hans Gruber was never widely quoted as saying, "Get me some f---ing mascara STAT because I want my g--damn eyes to f---ing POP!!!"
Meanwhile, Obama also doesn't care if that woman has cancer or not.
[Debra] Fishericks is (a) fighting kidney cancer, (b) loves her soon-to-be-canceled employer-based coverage, (c) can't find an affordable policy on Obamacare's exchange that allows her to keep her doctors, and (d) tearfully frets that the new regime will be so punitive and expensive that she won't have enough money to visit her beloved grandchild. A genuine parade of horribles. Fishericks' experience shreds four core promises of Obamacare: She can't keep her plan, she can't keep her doctor, she can't afford the new options, and she falls beyond the administration's "five percent" deception. She's one of the millions who will lose their group coverage status over the next few years.