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November 25, 2013
Obama Heckled In San Francisco; Says He's Not Allowed to Put Congressional Law Aside and Impose His Own Unilateral Executive Solution
Bonus points for an unexpected use of, "Let me finish."
Twitchy notes that what he now says he cannot do -- order the non-enforcement of immigration laws with respect to deportation -- he just did, last year, with regard to a subset of illegal aliens (younger ones).
I'm gonna tell you somethin': It's a slow news day, except for Iran, and I'm not read-up on that yet. I assume it's awful, but that's just my assumption.
So this is what you get.
I mean, this is the kind of thing I have open in my tabs-- Katie Couric now hired as chief anchor of Yahoo news.
Which is, like, a search engine and email thing. I guess they're going to do videos.