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November 23, 2013
The Largest Simulcast of a TV Drama in History
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It's today, Dr. Who's 50th anniversary special, Day of the Doctor, starring Matt Smith, David Tenant, and John Hurt. It will also be shown simultaneously in 3-D in over 1500 theaters all over the world.
Moffat, along with Matt Smith and Jenna Colman, attended the official Doctor Who anniversary celebration at London's ExCel on Friday.
The three-day event, which is being attended by 8,000 fans a day, features appearances from Doctor Who stars from all eras of the series.
Smith told fans during a question and answer session that Steven Moffat's anniversary story "added to the mythology" of Doctor Who.
Billie Piper is returning as Rose.
It starts at 2:30 p.m. Eastern with a live pre-show. The Day of the Doctor starts at 2:50. You might check the schedule where you are, since it's all Dr. Who all day on BBCA.
The bad guys are the Zygons . . .

and the Daleks.

. . . er, the Daleks.

Or something like that. And, FYI, the episode The Name of the Doctor starts at 1:30 Eastern. I missed this last season, so I don't know if they really reveal Dr. Who's name, but this is the episode where John Hurt's version of the doctor was introduced.
You can see the original Zygon episode, Terror of the Zygons, with Tom Baker here.
Added: According to commenter "29Victor," they sneaked-in a mini-webisode called The Night of the Doctor. Commenter "Brass" found it. It's about seven minutes long. Here it is.

posted by rdbrewer at
12:47 PM
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