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November 20, 2013
The Clowns Over At Free Beacon Stumbled Ass-Backwards Into A Good Video Mashup
Sometimes, if the Washington Free Beacon staff is just the right amount of hungover, they can function at state that hovers pretty close to competency. There's a sweet spot in the hungover scale that allows one to both produce decent work and ward off any desire for an early afternoon cocktail, which experts call the "Goldilocks post-inebriation zone". The ability to hit this zone is not borne of skill, but rather simple probability multiplied by the frequency of being hungover.
This video will come in handy when the left starts declaring it once again racist to refer to the law as "Obamacare" and not the ACA. They do seem to be a bit stuck here because attempting to shift away from the toxicity of the Obama brand only leaves them with the word "affordable", which Americans now know isn't the case. Some shameless partisans looking to score cheap political points might even call it a "lie".
Even Blue Cross/Blue Shield Is Goofing on Obamacare [ace]: People who can actually deliver insurance to customers are now gently goofing on Obamacare's "glitchy" website.
Not a hard shot by any means-- but a shot nonetheless.
And you don't make a joke unless you think your audience is receptive to it.
Remember the days when Obama, supposedly, just wasn't a comical enough figure for comedians to poke fun at? Dude, even corporations who group-focus their ads to make sure no one at all is offended can now see some humor in Clothes That Have No Emperor.

posted by JohnE. at
06:40 PM
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