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November 13, 2013
Sebelius Announces Healthcare.gov's Numbers
Less Than 27,000
Although the Administration is pushing the 106,185 figure -- which includes state exchange sign-ups, and people who "picked a plan" on the federal website, but did not actually enroll in it -- an AP reporter says the actual number of people who enrolled on the federal website is... less than 27,000.
Oops: My bad. That "less than 27,000" isn't even the number of people who enrolled in Obamacare on the federal website. It's still the number of people who have "picked a plan" on the federal website.
HealthCare.gov has performed even worse than expected. Fewer than 27,000 people selected a plan through the website, compared with roughly 79,000 who picked a plan through the 15 state-based insurance exchanges. Unofficial estimates leaked earlier this week suggested the federal website had done slightly better.
Their claim is that 106,185 people have enrolled in Obamacare, in October.
But remember, they previously announced their intention to, get this, lie about the numbers, by including people who hadn't actually enrolled in anything -- but had simply gotten to the stage where they picked a policy (but did not actually enroll in it).
As you know, they were expecting around 492,000 enrollments in October.
Press Release: More details here, but not important details, the sort of details Allah wonders about:
There’s no real suspense about the topline number; the suspense lies in whether Sebelius will offer any demographic breakdown of the data. How many of the 50-60,000 who have signed up are people with preexisting conditions? How many are low-income and need significant subsidies? ObamaCare will succeed or fail depending upon how many “young healthies” can be persuaded or coerced into signing up. How are they doing with that group?