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November 09, 2013
Not Everyone Deserves A Living Wage [OregonMuse]
This blog piece by Matt Walsh is excellent, and should be read by every Gen. X'er, Y'er, Z'er, milennial, or however they're referring to young adults these days.
Here's a taste:
Is everyone qualified for a job? Is everyone worthy of one? Does everyone have a claim to a job? If you have a claim to something, that means you are owed it. So if I’m automatically owed a job, who, precisely, is in my debt? All business owners? So I suppose I can walk into an interview, plop down on the chair, put my feet up on the desk, light a cigar and shout, “I’m here to collect my debt!” Or maybe the universe owes me. The universe owes us all a job, is that it? It used to be: I think therefore I am. Now it’s: I am therefore I’m owed. Is that the way it works?
Some of the comments are pretty good, too:
Businesses can drive wages lower on low skill jobs, that doesn’t mean the people working those jobs deserve more. If you’re unwilling to improve yourself enough such that your value to society exceeds your costs, no one owes you the gap.
Sounds like something Monty would say, i.e smart, pithy, and directly to the point.
posted by Open Blogger at
07:02 PM
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