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November 07, 2013
Sebelius to Speak in Atlanta Tomorrow to Make an "Important Announcement" About Obamacare
This angers me, actually.
Yes, I can't imagine she'll be doing anything other than announcing a Unilateral Executive Delay.
What good is a delay? It is only helpful for Democratic Politicians. The policy remains on the books, and the uncertainty continues to weigh down the economy.
I don't know what the hell to say.
I want to block them from suspending (unilaterally) their goddamned abortion of a law, but how can we?
Allah thinks it's less likely that she'll announce a delay, and more likely she'll claim something great about enrollments. (Is there any good news on enrollments?)
I think the "direct" and "spicy" meeting with Senate Democrats might have included the threat, "Give us a delay or we'll start voting with the Republicans on the If You Like Your Plan You Can Keep It bill," which would of course destroy Obamacare (and the American insurance industry, too, at least until Obama permitted the repeal of his horrible law).
Dumb Ace: My mind went right to a Delay but that's silly. There are lots of "Major Announcements" she could make, like holding open the enrollment period by another couple of months, or announcing they're not going to make their November 30th completion date.