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November 06, 2013
Overnight Open Thread (11-6-2013) – Wednesday Means Leftovers Edition
Occam's Razor
"Plurality should not be posited without necessity."
"It is futile to do with more things that which can be done with fewer"
Uhlmann's Razor
"When stupidity is a sufficient explanation, there's no need to have recourse to any other."
Jokes Are No Laughing Matter Comrade
The "five rules of survival in Socialism" are instructional. "1. Do not think. 2. If you must think, do not speak. 3. If you think and speak, refrain from writing. 4. If you must think, speak and write, then do not sign charters. 5. In case you think, speak up, write and sign, then do not be surprised by what happens to you.
The "seven wonders of Communism" makes a point about the economy. Accordingly, in Communism, 1. All had work. 2. Even though all had a job, no one did anything. 3. Even if none of us has done anything useful, the "State Plan" was filled above 100%. 4. Although the "Plan" has been "over fulfilled", you could not buy anything. 5. Even if nothing was offered for sale, everybody had all he needed. 6. Even if everybody had everything he needed, all were stealing. 7. Although everybody was stealing, nothing was ever discovered to be missing.
At the Yalta Conference, Churchill finds Stalin and his KGB boss Beria in an intensive conversation. "What are you discussing? - We will kill 30 million Poles and a mailman. - Why the mailman?" Stalin turns to Beria "I have told you that all they will care for is the mailman?"
Guns & Ammo Editor Fired Over 2A Editorial
And the overall editor fires himself.
[UPDATE -- Anal probe guy was billed $6,000 for the probing procedures.]
Welcoming Our New Insect Overlords And Their Beneficent Plans For You
And no you can't keep your current insurance plan because They Know Better.
...Overblown outrage is the stock and trade of conservative politics these days.
But here's what conservatives won't tell you, lest it undermine their theatrics: Many insurance plans are shutting down because they don't meet the higher bar of quality benefits required under Obamacare, and of those people who lose access to their plans, many will pay less and all will have better and more comprehensive options.
And this is absolutely nothing new:
Back in 1993, during the fight over HillaryCare, Mrs. Clinton explained Democratic reasoning to then-House GOP Leader Denny Hastert. If Americans are allowed too much discretion over how they spend their health-care dollars, Mrs. Clinton said, "We just think people will be too focused on saving money and they won't get the care for their children and themselves that they need . . .
"The money has to go to the federal government because the federal government will spend that money better."
#Biden2016: Joe Biden Congratulates Wrong Guy in Boston Mayor Race
When Marty Walsh won the Boston mayor's race, Vice President Joe Biden was quick to pick up the phone to congratulate him. But, there was a problem. The Marty Walsh who Biden had on the other end of the phone wasn't the Marty Walsh who had been elected to succeed longtime Boston Mayor Thomas Menino.
...That Marty Walsh said before he could explain the mix-up, Biden launched into his congratulations, saying "Marty, you did it, you son of a gun."

Meet the New Sandinista Mayor of New York
And his lesbian wife.
No amateur psychoanalysis of Bill de Blasio is complete without mentioning his domineering lesbian wife, Chirlane McCray (and yes, even after he adopted his mother's maiden name, she still wouldn't take his name). Prior to her marriage to the doughboy from Cambridge, McCray was best known for a 1979 Essence article in which she spoke about her experiences as a homosexual woman of color. De Blasio's account of how he wooed her reads like one of Heartiste's "Beta of the Month" horror stories as reinterpreted by Dostoevsky's Underground Man, as he steadfastly refused to take no for an answer

And Meet the Coming New Old New York

Why the Left Loves Teachers But Denigrates Doctors
Rednecks in the Mist Meet the Gheys
In which The Daily Show is foiled again by the lack of hate in the Hateful South - even when they stage a very public gay engagement at the Waffle House.
Schadenjoy: Red State Dems Feeling the Blues
Thanks Snowden: New Leaks Threaten Human Smuggling Talks and Lead To Hack Attacks On Australia
Plus a little #SweetSweetHypocrisy: Brazil Admits To Spying On US Diplomats After Blasting NSA Surveillance
Oh Canada!
Miss Canada was a member of the Great White North's army reserve and was trained in firing a machine gun. She believes in striving for peace, but training for war. I hear Toronto is looking for a new mayor.

Cross-bowers Are Made, Not Born
From the Tip Line:
Meet Mr. Testiculo
Worst. Super-hero. Ever. (H/T to Hank the C)

Teh Tweet!
Le AoSHQ groupe de Yahoo. Ooh la la!
Tonight's post brought to you by I'll take "The Rapists" for $200 Alex:

Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by Maetenloch at
10:40 PM
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