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November 06, 2013
The Last Shock
Okay, this one I did not expect. This is a real shock.
I knew Obama was seizing people's health insurance to distribute it to the less well-off.
But I did expect him to manage one thing: To manage to bring down the premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. After all, if we're making those who are healthy pay more than they had, naturally, the unhealthy should pay less, right?
Jim Angle on FoxNews just did a story on a couple in a state's High Risk Pool whose premium just went from $813 per month... to $950 per month. With higher deductibles.
In addition, when they went on the Heathcare.gov website to check the rates, website told them the cost would be half what it actually would be.
The website continues to lowball your "estimate," because people will think their premiums will be lower than they will be. Until the site starts working, and people get their real premiums, this scam can continue.
But when it actually does start working...
As Angle reports, the very people who Obamacare is supposedly designed to help, will actually also be paying more.
Given this full-spectrum disaster, Senate Democrats were reportedly "spicy" (Bret Baier's quote of a Democrat's description) in a closed-door secret (of course) meeting with the Lord of Catastrophes today.
And Open Blog. I'm tired. And I want some pizza.

posted by Open Blogger at
06:41 PM
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