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November 06, 2013
Another Shock: Obama Will Rewrite Obamacare Rules to Spare His Union Allies a $63 Per Year Per Policy Tax,
But Meanwhile No Relief For Non-Union Individually-Insured People Paying $5000 or Even $10,000 More Per Year Due to Obamacare [Ace]
Priorities. Obama is "signalling" that he'll spare the unions their $63 per year per policy tax.
He'll revisit the regulations to push that favor through for valued members of his coalition.
But compare his solicitousness to his union friends with his indifference to that couple whose story was recounted below. They had been paying $6,600 in year in premiums -- and now will have to pay more than $15,000 per year. So they're being hit with a nearly $9000 per year hidden tax.
$9000 more per year in a hidden tax the couple was lied to about. That doesn't require any action by Team Obama.
But the unions being hit with $63 per year in an announced tax that everyone understood was a tax? That requires the rewriting of the law some more.
So what's going on here? Simple: Obama knows that most people who buy from the individual market are freelancers or small business owners -- and hence are likely Republicans.
Union members, obviously, are largely Democrats.
Obama has shellacked middle class individual policy holders precisely because they're (mostly) not in his coalition, but boy is he afraid to impose a $63 a year tax -- that's like five pizzas, in case you're wondering -- on members of his coalition.
How can this stand?
Now even though Obama intended to hit Republicans, he has hit some blue liberal Democrats as well; thus Pro Publica bothering to look into that couple's tale of woe. They're liberals; of course they wouldn't lie.
(AlextheChick makes a great point in noting that the media casually dismisses all conservative-leaning people as liars; but they immediately start looking into a leftists' tale of woe.)
And Obama's going to just keep on lying, of course. Why is a $63 tax unacceptable but a $9000 hidden, dishonest tax completely acceptable and indeed necessary?
I wouldn't wait for the media to ask. This is deadly, toxic stuff, pure out in the open piracy, stealing from citizens outside Obama's core supporters to give to his loyal minions. This is Banana Republic stuff.
This is looting.
Obama is the President who bequeathed America our new Looter Economy.
It's Thunderdome. It's Road Warrior. It's government-sanctioned piracy -- it's privateering, siccing some citizens on others, giving First Tier Citizens permission to loot the Second Tier Citizens.

posted by Open Blogger at
05:14 PM
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