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November 05, 2013
Eight Year Old Boy Threatened With Expulsion for Drawing Ninjas With Swords, Knives, and Guns
...which is also known as "being an eight year old boy."

Exhibit A: No psychologically-stable boy thinks
ninjas and swords and guns are cool. Obviously,
this kid is a Ticking Time Bomb
Hey kid, you know all that crap we tell you about Self-Expression? Yeah, it's a damnable lie. What we want you to do is Conform with our Corporate Code of Conduct, and attempt to make yourself a bland gray cipher like the living dead school administrators have made themselves into.
The school should look into the large number of Godzillas being shot to death by airplanes on paper book-covers. Can't have kids fantasizing about shooting up Godzillas. That leads to the harder stuff, like drawing pictures of boobies.