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November 05, 2013
Obama, The Noxious Liar, at 39% Approval
It's not a new low -- he had some bad months mid-2011 -- but it is a recent low.
Furthermore, I think this time it will stick. Because his personal favorability is now also underwater.
And with the news each day about his Gigantic Lies in Service of His Gigantic Incompetence, this stuff is going to hang around long enough to make an impression.
The old take was that, no matter how bad Obama was doing, he was a Nice Man who was Trying to Do the Right Thing. His serial lying and new round of serial lying to explain his past lies (which I'll link next post, even though you now all know about it) obliterates the Nice Man who Is Trying to Do The Right Thing narrative.
He's not just a failure anymore; he's a dishonest, shifty politician who lies to the American people -- and hurts them! -- to get what he wants.
And then who, having lied about just about everything, also fails.