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October 30, 2013
Carney: Obama Has Lied About Virtually Everything in Obamacare
I'm sorry, did I mislead the public with that headline? I meant Timothy P. Carney of the Washington Examiner. I expected you to know I meant that when I said something that would lead you to think I meant someone else.
He writes of the perpetually dishonest campaign for Obamacare, spending a while on Obama's use of regulations to take back the promise that you could keep your insurance supposedly encoded into law.
I know I keep talking about this. But I'm linking this because I'm happy to see that momentum is growing on this meme.
I'll skip the regs-writing part and quote some other lies. Read the whole thing, though.
Beyond “if you like your plan, you can keep it,” Obamacare was passed and implemented through a series of falsehoods.
The administration and its surrogates relied almost solely on misinformation to defend the law's contraception mandate. The Obama campaign claimed that opponents of the mandate were trying to give employers the right to prohibit their employees from getting contraception. Obama surrogate Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said it was an “issue of whether or not to allow birth control.” This was a constant dishonest refrain of the Obama campaign.
Obama also claimed his bill would check the explosion in health care spending. The week the bill passed, the President humbly declared, “And everybody who's looked at it says that every single good idea to bend the cost curve and start actually reducing health care costs are in this bill.”
After signing the law, Obama continued to pretend it didn’t include any tax hikes for lower- and middle-class Americans. This was false....
The bill’s sleight of hand includes hidden taxes on ordinary Americans, like a new tax on health insurers. Given that insurers enjoy a captive audience (thanks to the individual mandate) and that other provisions in the law determine their profit margins, this tax will be mostly or fully passed along to customers in forms of higher premiums. So Obama has more money to spend, and taxpayers have no clue.
He lied every step of the way to passage, and today he lied some more, claiming, for example, that insurance companies, not Obamacare itself, are responsible for policy terminations.