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Midday Open Thread »
October 29, 2013
Jonah Goldberg Unloads On Greg Sargent, Liberal Healthcare Policy Wonks And Assorted Other Fools
A good old fashioned ass-whoopin rant about the dishonesty of liberal pundits when it came to selling ObamaCare.
Bottom line, don't make a maniac out of Jonah Goldberg.
Indeed, what is so infuriating to many of us is that is that now that it’s the law of the land, ObamaCare supporters act as if all of the lies were no big deal and no serious person believed them anyway. But as anyone can tell you, if Obama had been honest about the trade-offs in his signature piece of legislation, it would never have become his signature piece of legislation. So please, don’t tell me the lies don’t matter.
Indeed, this might help unravel the mystery for Sargent. Republicans (or at least a great, great many of them) know that this law glided to passage with tracks greased with b.s. And not just about the ability to keep your plan and lowered premiums, but endless balderdash about extending life-expectancy, bending the cost curve, etc. When they pointed out that what the president was saying was flatly untrue, even impossible, they were called fools or racists. The liberal wonks who knew — or should have known — just how much b.s. was involved in the sales job, nevertheless kept their canons fixed on opponents of the law. And so did the “objective” journalists. I remember when the Supreme Court okayed ObamaCare, NPR’s healthcare correspondent Julie Rovner said the only losers were the states that didn’t sign on to the Medicaid expansion and the insurance company executives who wanted a stiffer penalty under the mandate. And that was it. Really, no other losers? None?
Just read and enjoy.

posted by DrewM. at
11:33 AM
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