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October 28, 2013
June 29, 2012 "Politifact" Ruling on Obama's Promise That If You Like Your Insurance, You Get to Keep Your Insurance: True
Actually, Politifact said it was half-true -- but it was only partly false due to the insurance companies' ability to terminate you at will, not due to anything in ObamaCare requiring them to terminate your policies.
In other words, PolitiFact claimed the only people who'd terminate your insurance policy were the insurers themselves, acting for their own ends. ObamaCare itself, however, would not require the termination of your policy.
You can read "PolitiFact's" ruling here, and then ponder at what point they will rate the truthfulness of their own partisan political claims.
Via @AG_Conservative:
He compares PolitiFact's determination to rescue false Obama statements to their opposite determination to find Republican statements false, no matter how true they are.