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October 28, 2013
Marco Rubio: I Was Against Amnesty Before I Was For It But I'm Against It Again
Once upon a time Marco Rubio swore he was against amnesty (which he said was the same as "comprehensive reform"). Then he joined a Senate gang and discovered the joys of bi-partisanship. Now he's against it. Again. For now anyway.
Of course the danger of the piecemeal approach is what bills get moved. Will it be the GOP's version of the DREAM Act (yes, they have one) or an enforcement bill? Of course the piecemeal approach also raises the danger of what would happen in conference with the Senate.
Rubio's spokesman says, don't worry about that.
“At this point, the most realistic way to make progress on immigration would be through a series of individual bills,” Rubio spokesman Alex Conant said in an email. “Any effort to use a limited bill as a ruse to trigger a conference that would then produce a comprehensive bill would be counterproductive. Furthermore, any such effort would fail, because any single senator can and will block conference unless such conference is specifically instructed to limit the conference to only the issue dealt with in the underlying bill.”
Mickey Kaus wonders if the GOP and conservatives should forgive Rubio. Personally, I'm done with Rubio. Actions matter more than words. He used to talk a good game but when it came time to act, he stood with Durbin, Schumer, Menendez, McCain and Graham. He simply can't be trusted on this or any other issue.
And it doesn't look like Republicans in New Hampshire are all that interested in Rubio at this point.
Meanwhile, the uphill climb faced by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio—who has fallen off in early state polling following his full-throated push for comprehensive immigration reform—was demonstrated by his 4 percent showing in the survey.
Rubio’s showing was only good enough for a tie with former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who is not expected to be competitive in New Hampshire, if he runs again.
He was up to 25% at one point. And then...immigration. But remember, real GOP voters want amnesty. Team Amnesty has the polls to prove it. Or something.
Rubio has shown himself to be a liar and a bad politician. Time to move on from him.

posted by DrewM. at
10:29 AM
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