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October 27, 2013
Gaming Thread 10/27/2013
Well, it's finally done. The production of the Wii has been put to rest. A system that not many people believed in ended up being one of the best selling consoles of all-time. Would have been interesting if Nintendo had supported it the last few years of it's life.
Short week since I'm drunk (Halloween parties and getting old sucks)
• It's confusing but Sony released an FAQ for the PS4 when it comes to sharing. I think it means that they're adopting what MS used on the 360 and XB1 but I'm not sure vOv
• Patchnotes for the PS4's day one download. It's not "mandatory" but yeah, it's kinda mandatory. Standard stuff for the most part outside of no blu-ray movie playing till it's updated (more than likely the launch systems are universal so this is used to lock in your region), I'm hoping this is just horribly written but it comes off as you can only do background music with a Music Unlimited account and no low power suspend feature at launch.
• No street dates for the DualShock 4 and PS4 camera so they're out in the wild at your local Gamestop.
• Finally get a release date for the first piece of DLC for Bioshock Infinite, Burial at Sea Episode 1. It's out on the 12th
• Still not a fan of Kickstarter but this intrigues me, creator of the seminal Red Baron game is looking to make a new one (and it's a decent article)
• Well, it's hot as hell, is a power hog and it's really loud but AMD finally beat the Titan with the R9 290X at a $550 price point. Its AMD so I really don't care per say but depending on how Nvidia reacts with their new cards next year, this probably puts the kibosh on me picking up a PS4 next year and just upgrade my tower to go with my planned purchase of a Rift (if it comes out). Or hell, just buy a pair of Google Glasses.
• TitanFall get's a release date, March 11th. They even announced a giant CE that will run you $250.

Not gonna lie, if they slapped Maschinen Kreiger on it, I would buy it
• New X: Rebirth trailer came out. I really can't wait for this to come out.
• Once again they turn to fanservice instead of working with the comics and novels. Ripley's daughter, Amanda (she was in the novelization and the Director's Cut of Alien) is the main character in the upcoming Alien: Isolation made by Creative Assembly (Total War series).
• No headset adapter for the One till 2014. Considering they haven't showed it off yet, I guess it should have been expected but it still sucks
• Battle of the commercials.
Xbox One
• A quick sequel to the awesome Sid Meier's Ace Patrol as they announced Pacific Skies. That will be a quick download to my iPad when that comes out.
Random Sales
There is a current PSN sale going on. Frankly, I think the 10/22-10/28 sale is lackluster but the 10/29-11/04 has some gems in it. Fatal Frame 1 & 2 for $4 each ($2 if you're a Plus member) and the Siren remake for $20 ($10 for Plus members). Fatal Frame 3 & 4 and that Spirit Camera game weren't good but man I wish Nintendo didn't now own the IP as the second game is in my personal Top 3 Games of All-Time.
New Releases
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag (PC, 360, PS3, Wii U) - Your yearly Assassin's Creed. It can't suck as much as III can it?
Battlefield 4 (PC, 360, PS3) - Game was eh during it's beta and ran like dog doodoo. Think I'll be waiting on picking this up on my PC.
Sonic: Lost World (Wii U) - I really dug Sonic Generations but I own no Wii U. It's been getting decent reviews though
WWE 2K14 (360, PS3) - Never liked the Smackdown games and I don't think I'll dig this one. Ask someone else. LONG LIVE AKI SYSTEMS AND THE FIREPRO WRESTLING SERIES!!!
That's it, I'm out.
The Dude
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posted by Gang of Gaming Morons! at
03:14 PM
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