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October 22, 2013
Obama's "Success Stories" Are More Story Than Success
I have a friend who used to run his own company but wanted a change of pace and went to work for a non-profit. The culture shock was pretty severe. The most shocking thing was listening to his boss, the executive director of the organization, tell the board of directors that he, "should be judged on the number of projects he starts, not the ones he completes".
That's kind of how Obama wants you to judge the roll-out of ObamaCare.
The White House (not rightwing nutjobs) provided background information on the people standing behind Obama yesterday during his infomercial.
Two have enrolled for coverage in a health insurance exchange plan, according to the background released by the White House. Janice Baker, who introduced Obama, has enrolled in Delaware through the federal HealthCare.gov site, getting coverage despite a pre-existing condition. David Hall, a self-employed resident of Washington, got coverage through the District of Columbia, which is running its own exchange.
Others who stood behind Obama included two people who just started the signup process by registering an account or starting an application. Five more are exploring their choices or are “looking forward” to signing up. One of those people is Nathaniel Hojnacki, who has a job without benefits. He plans to enroll “after he explores his coverage options on the D.C. exchange,” according to the White House.
So one of the two people who have actually signed up has a pre-existing condition meaning she's likely to be a net drain on the system. The rest are working on signing up so that they can consider whether or not the want to or can buy a policy through the system.
These are the success stories.
Imagine a business model where just signing up to browse the products was a multi-day project. Want a book from Amazon? Sure. You'll just need to spend 3 or 4 days filling out forms and then you can browse the sections!
Meanwhile, Joan Walsh has a sad that liberal writers are selling out the cause by noticing that ObamaCare has been a total failure to this point.
Join me in welcoming Ezra Klein to The Vast Rightwing Conspiracy.
Oh, has anyone seen any ads from the RNC taking on the ObamaCare rollout? You know, maybe comparing Obama's promises to reality (if you like your policy you can keep it) or the number of people who lost their policy compared to the number who have gotten new ones?
One other thing...remember how the original story for the crash of healthcare.gov was, "the site is just so gosh darn popular!"? It turns out the magical level of popularity that caused it to crash was....2,000 visitors.

posted by DrewM. at
04:32 PM
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