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October 21, 2013
Top Headline Comments 10-21-13
Happy Monday.
President Obama is scheduled to give a speech in the Rose Garden at 11:25 this morning addressing Obamacare's rollout failure, probably because Democrats are shitting themselves over it. He will surround himself with people who have possibly applied or even possibly enrolled, though not anyone who has paid their first premium yet. Expect a blame game.
In preparation -- you may consider it a prebuttal -- read Megan McArdle on four things that people are getting wrong about the Obamacare rollout. These are pretty foundational things. Let's see if the President just glosses over them.
Virginia AG and Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli gave the GOP weekly address over the weekend, which was also on Obamacare rollout failure. "President Obama’s ideas are deeply flawed and the implementation of this law has been a national embarrassment."
David Freddoso has more on the distinction between Obamacare exchange enrollees and Medicaid enrollees, which too many news outlets are conflating. Freddoso, by the way, should be a daily must-read. His stuff is always timely, well-written, and insightful. Add his Conservative Intelligence Briefing to your list.
Contractors have weeks of work to do on Obamacare exchange websites. Can you believe it, that's the rosy estimate. "One specialist said as many as 5 million lines of software code may need to be rewritten before the website runs."
Much of this was discussed on this week's podcast, which can be got just below.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:50 AM
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