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Overnight Open Thread (10-16-2013) »
October 16, 2013
This HealthCare RollOut Is a Major Disaster, Says Newt Gingrich Half of the Democrat Party House Organ, the Media
Sexton highlights CBSNews, mentioning a Miami Herald article calling ObamaCare's enrollees "urban legends."
Last night MKH noted that even Obama's hometown newspaper Party Organ, the Chicago Tribune, had to confess part of the truth.
Allah, quoting Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker:
“The ACA is the most important liberal project in decades. If it fails, it is a complete disaster for liberalism.”
This is another reason I'm not so against ending the shutdown. We actually have a better pathway to seeing ObamaCare ended: Letting it explode in its makers' faces.
This could spark a generational deligitimization and repudiation of American Socialism. No one can know the future -- who knows, perhaps people will meekly accept their brand-new North Korean pediatrician and doubled or trebled premium costs -- but it seems our best option is to get the hell out of the way and let the burning progressives defenestrate themselves from their high office windows.
Allah, the Eeyore Eternal, now speculates that Obama will voluntarily delay ObamaCare for a year. Without us demanding he do so, he will pretend to be the tough but fair-minded hero and do so himself. And pretend it has nothing to do with the law's disastrous implementation and its unavoidable structural flaws.
Exit Question:
Should we let him?!

Picture credit: The Slublog Gazette & Informant.