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October 13, 2013
Gaming Thread 10/13/13
Japan loves their Pokemon (it's completely sold out)
This is from the launch of the Vita 2000 on Thursday (half hour before opening)
and here is the same place for the release of Pokemon X & Y
Will be interesting in seeing the chart in a few days to see how many copies were sold.
• In one corner, you have Gadget Show Live (UK show) dub the PS4 THE most influential tech gadget of the of 2013.
• And in the other you have Popular Mechanics, naming the XBO as one of it's Top 10 Breakthrough Products of 2013
Actual News
• It may not actually be coming out for two years but that won't stop Frictional Games from releasing from their upcoming game, SOMA. They also announced platforms for it, the PC and the PS4. Can't wait to play this through the Rift
• In the history of pointless special editions, this has to be close to being one of the top ones. Microsoft and Penny Arcade teamed up for another level (this would be the fourth one) of fandom with charging you $60 for two out of 16 Penny Arcade designed buttons (they haven't announced how to get the 14 others yet).
Free = the game with Jago unlocked
$20 = All 8 characters unlocked (6 at launch and 2 right after)
$40 = 8 Characters and all of the wardrobe DLC
$60 = The characters, the wardrobe stuff and 2 Pins
• YOU GET A COMIC! YOU GET A COMIC! AND YOU GET A COMIC!!!! Hot on the heels of Dark Horse announcing comics based on the Halo, Tomb Raider and Plants VS Zombies properties, Dark Horse announced at the New York Comic Con that they are also working on comics based on Witcher, EVE Online and the upcoming Ninja Gaiden Z: Yaiba
• And feeling left out into the cold, Namco Bandai also announced that Dark Souls 2 will be getting a graphic novel. No idea on how this is going to work as the minimal plot on the surface worked in Demon Souls and Dark Souls favor
• This is a bit of a mundane interview with Phil Spencer until with a bit of a wink and a nod, he says that they're looking into cross-play between PC and the One. Could be interesting.
• After being bogged down in the courts for a few months, Activision's deal to buy their independence back from Vivendi for $8.2 billion should be completed this week
• Take Two/Rockstar Games might be in a bit of trouble as rapper Daz Dillinger claims that he turned down the offer for the usage of the "C-Walk" and "Nothin' But the Cavi Hit" songs from Tha Dogg Pound for the radio station. For two iconic west coast songs, the $4,271.00 offer seems really low.
• Considering the 'booming' market for Android micro-consoles, it was only time before Mad Catz would join in on the fun. They've dubbed it the M.O.J.O. Specs are decent but it will cost you a $249.99 on December 10th
• Steam decided to release a video of their controller.
• Ready At Dawn talks about their upcoming The Order: 1886. It's an interesting video
• Outside of maybe a bandwidth issue, I've got no idea on what the hold up would be but apparently you won't be able to use USB nor Bluetooth mics on the PS4 at launch
• Of all the stuff you can point at Foxconn, this seems like a non-story but people are OUTRAGED!!!! OUTRAGED!! OUTRAGED! that they are using college interns to pump out PS4s
• Well, unlike the first two games, you're not banging your sister but in this one you do get to be a whore who loves orgies. Drakengard 3 is coming to these shores sometime next year on the PS3.
• PC gamers, you get to find out what the console peasants know as you get to bore your way through Enslaved: Odyssey to the West sometime later this month
• Square Enix follows the money with an announcement that the best Final Fantasy game, FFVI for you mouth breathers, will be getting a remake for iOS and Android. Hopefully this one comes out here
• So I guess Reaper of Souls, the expansion for Diablo 3 is probably only going to cost $30 for the standard and $50 for a collector's edition
• So the Russia government now wants to put money into the industry for the purpose of making patriotic games and they're also thinking of banning games that "distort historical fact".
• Apparently, Ubisoft listened to the masses when it deals with Desmond in the Assassin's Creed games with there being only a 20 minute mandatory section of having to leave the aminius. Though there are 5 hours of that stuff if your a masochist.
• I felt old when reading this story but apparently the first Gabriel Knight game came out 20 years ago in December and Jane Jensen is on the path of remaking the game for to be released on PC/Mac/iPad/Android sometime next year. Hopefully they can pull out that one damn puzzle with one that doesn't suck
• I completely lost track of this game after GSC World (they made the STALKER games) folded but here is some gameplay of the upcoming F2P MMOFSP, Survarium
New Releases
There really isn't anything coming out this week outside of
Skylanders: Swap Force (PS3, Wii, Wii U, 360, 3DS) - I'm actually curious in how well this does as it's the first Skylanders game after Disney Infinity came out. Interested in if Disney sucked the air out of the room for more than one of these type of games.
That's it, I'm out
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The Dude

posted by Gang of Gaming Morons! at
03:34 PM
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