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October 11, 2013
When democrats have lost the democrats...
These poll results are full of sedition goodness
...The number of Americans who say they want to fire everyone is fairly consistent among most groups at around 60 percent but it spikes among rural voters (70 percent), white independents (70 percent) and those in Republican-held congressional districts (67 percent). Just(*) 52 percent of respondents in Democratic-held districts would vote to fire every lawmaker on Capitol Hill...
[NewSpeak vocabulary update alert, apply immediately!]: a majority is "just" now.
A record-low 14 percent think the country is headed in the right direction, down from 30 percent last month
Just 17 percent think the economy will improve in the next year, while 42 percent think it will worsen.
Factoid: about 30% of the public believes in UFO's. I'm thinking when you can't out poll UFO's you maybe have a problem.
JUST maybe.
Some mood music below the fold.