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October 10, 2013
Throwing My Hands Up
The National Parks Service transparently nonsensical "First Amendment Exception" to recreating now even more nonsensically applies to only certain parks, to wit, those in which a big enough political stink has been made.
We used to have a media which was occasionally useful in criticizing the government for obviously self-dealing and corrupt maneuvers.
What is so filthy about all this is that Obama claims The Law -- the iron law -- compels these actions. Ergo, you should Blame Republicans. His hand is forced.
But the Administration's purely political "exceptions" to "The Law" disprove the claim that The Law mandates this nonsense. If The Law mandated this nonsense, it would continue mandating it even when Obama took some heat.
But of course it doesn't. These are all Obama's political choices-- that's why he can impose them and repeal them at his Imperial whim.