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October 10, 2013
Boehner: I'll Give You a Short-Term CR Hike In Exchange for Negotiations
Sorry, was writing a longer post and so have to just borrow from Hot Air for fresh content that's ready to post.
[I]s this a cave or an escalation? Some lefties think it’s the latter, which is arguably true. The whole reason that tea partiers now favor a short-term debt ceiling hike is because they’re worried that Boehner’s trying to engineer a big cave on ObamaCare by merging shutdown negotiations with debt-ceiling negotiations. The latter is supposed to be about entitlements and deficit reduction while the former began as a battle over defunding ObamaCare. If they merge, Paul Ryan will swoop in, Boehner will drop the O-Care demands, and the GOP and Democrats will try to strike a moderate bargain on entitlement reform and new revenue. By offering to punt on the debt ceiling now, Boehner’s basically committing to holding the line on ObamaCare. The shutdown will go on, possibly for another six weeks as we approach the new debt-ceiling deadline. From that perspective, it’s an escalation. That’s why some centrist Republicans hate this idea...
Yeah I have no idea. I think the contours of this are pretty convoluted now.