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October 09, 2013
MSM Playbook: Ho-Hum, Nothing To See Here Headline. OMFG ObamaCare Is Going To Screw The State Over Story
Via former AoSHQ podcast guest David Freddoso.
Shot: "Obamacare causes insurance companies to scrap some plans, create new ones"
Hundreds of thousands of New Jerseyans opened the mail last week to find their health insurance plan would no longer exist in 2014 because it does not cover all the essential benefits required by the Affordable Care Act.
The news surprised some who were unaware that provisions in the new law known as “Obamacare” were forcing insurance companies to scrap some plans they had previously offered.
The changes will impact more than 800,000 people in New Jersey who purchase insurance on the individual and small-employer markets, according to Ward Sanders, president of the New Jersey Association of Health Plans."
“In the end it could be a net positive for people,” said Linda Schwimmer, vice president of the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute.
She pointed out that preventive care, such as blood pressure screening, will now be covered for free.
Emphasis mine.
New Jersey's population is just shy of 9 million so this is a pretty big slice of the population.
But hey, just some new plans replacing old plans.
And sure Obama said, "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" but hey...Blood pressure screenings for free! So shut up.
Nothing to see here, move along. Just a glitch or something.
Added: Earlier today New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was in DC and made it pretty clear he's not a fan of the anti-ObamaCare shutdown.
"You know, I don't think it's ever good to keep the government closed when your job is to run the government," he said.
With almost 10% of his state's citizens about to lose their insurance policies, I wonder if he'd like to rethink that. Somehow I doubt he would.

posted by DrewM. at
07:41 PM
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