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October 07, 2013
CNN Tries To Enroll in ObamaCare Again; System Still Won't Work
Via WeaselZippers.
DHHS claims there are legends of myths of people who have been able to sign up successfully. And yet no one seems to be able to locate such persons.
Three and a half years.
The Party of Government and Bureaucracy also fails at Government and Bureaucracy.
Noah C. Rothman wonders if the disastrous roll-out of ObamaCare will wind up saving the GOP from backlash for the shutdown.
Republicans have done a rather spectacular job of mismanaging the communications effort over this shutdown. The GOP appeared to hope that by refusing to prosecute the conflict they started, it would simply resolve itself. Indeed, reports indicate that the GOP in Congress has spent more time attempting to position their particular faction as bearing the least responsibility for the shutdown than seeking an advantageous position in negotiations with Congressional Democrats and the president.
But events might just be conspiring to redeem the GOP in the eyes of voters. This shutdown will be inextricably linked to the roll-out of the ACA. And, if Obamcare’s public debut does not improve, voters may look back on the shutdown as being partially justified.
Which might be while Peter King, the laughable leader of the Clean CR Caucus, now says he actually won't support Nancy Pelosi in her attempt to file a discharge petition to end the shutdown.
Oh My God: I see commenters talking about "waiting rooms." I don't know what they mean, and they're all so cryptic. So I look it up.
Oh dear Lord, even the website is going to have long lines for waiting.
This is a cosmic joke. This is a cosmic joke.