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October 05, 2013
Overnight Open Thread (5 Oct 2013)
I so want to go to this. Bad. Calling All Patriots: Million Vet March On The Memorials. Heck, wherever there is a barricade up in this country should have a protest. Every. Single. One.
Hey, if you're expecting a refund from the IRS, don't expect it until the President gets what he wants. The IRS is only collecting money and will not send out any refunds. That's why it is always better to owe the government than wait for a refund.
How about a little Saturday doom? The shutdown is a sideshow. Debt is the threat.
Yet, entertaining as all this political drama may seem, the theater itself is indeed burning. For the fiscal position of the federal government is in fact much worse today than is commonly realized. As anyone can see who reads the most recent long-term budget outlook—published last month by the Congressional Budget Office, and almost entirely ignored by the media—the question is not if the United States will default but when and on which of its rapidly spiraling liabilities.
Yeah. We're screwed.
Classroom Weapons
Student who had fishing knives in his tackle box locked in his car charged with a felony. Hell, there are many classroom items that can be made into weapons. Let's ban thumbtacks, hand spray sanitizer, rubber bands and paperclips. Heck, you can even make a bow and arrow with a rubber band and paperclip. Just add a super sharp pencil, dip it alcohol and light it on fire.
Lens Flare
J.J. Abrams admits he went a little bonkers on using lens flares. Hopefully he's over it by the time he starts shooting the next Star Wars movie.
Oh, and this trailer for Stalingrad kicks some ass.
I can't believe there were no keg stands.
Shutdown Drinking Game
Not too shabby of a start for a shutdown drinking game but I'm sure you morons can come up with some better drinking rules. The link is annoying as it lists it one at a time on the page. Here's their complete list.
1. Any time a children's book is referenced, take a drink. Make that two for Dr. Seuss and three for Harry Potter or Narnia.
2. Any time the Affordable Care Act is called "Obamacare," the last person to yell, "the Affordable Care Act!" has to drink.
3. One drink for each news media outlet with an overly dramatic countdown clock displayed.
4. The first person to stand up when a lawmaker says "the American people want..." may choose another person to take a shot.
5. Any time a representative reads a Tweet on the floor, everyone must start drinking. Do not stop until they do.
6. If the Founding Fathers are mentioned, everyone must name one. The last person to do so must drink.
7. Any time another country's universal healthcare system is referenced, everyone must yell a toast in that country's language and drink.
8. Any time a government official says something about "common sense," take a drink.
Paging Eric Holder
Hey, I thought this stuff was racist? Will Eric Holder sue Obamacare for requiring photo IDs?
Shooter Shenanigans
Sometimes I miss doing this job. Then I remember the haze, gray and underway part.
Cat Science
Hmmmm. Cats possibly key to successful human HIV vaccine.
Cat Video
Tonight's ONT brought to you by LOL animal pics:
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