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October 04, 2013
White House Official: We're Winning, So It Doesn't Matter How Long This Shutdown Lasts (or How Many Cancer-Stricken Children Don't Get Medical Help)
And bear in mind the Democrats' public position is that they just hate that politics has been brought into this by The Damned Tea Party, and all they want is for the government to open so that it can work its governmental magic.
But here's what they say when they've got a drink in them.
Said a senior administration official: "We are winning...It doesn't really matter to us" how long the shutdown lasts "because what matters is the end result."
The Washington Post asks if this is a potential "game-changer."
They don't think the "We're winning" part is important, because obviously someone is going to win and lose, and Rand Paul just also said that he thought the GOP could win this. But they do think the part about not caring how long the government remains shut down is a problem for the White House.
The first part -- "We're winning" -- is indeed important because the Democrats position, endlessly trumpeted by the media, is that they're sickened by the politics of this. Well that was always, obviously, bunk, and a six year old could see that.
But the media pushed that line anyway, uncritically. "We're winning" complicates their jobs on that front. (Their jobs being to carry water for Democrats, of course.)
Comically Evasive Obama Mouthpiece Jay Carney says the White House "utterly disavows" that thing that a "senior White House official" said, that thing that clearly represents the actual feeling in the White House.
So if someone confesses the truth which undermines your dishonest public relations strategy, all you have to do is "disavow" the truth and then you can go back to lying about everything.