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October 03, 2013
Overnight Open Thread (10-3-2013)
Day 3 of the Government Slowdown: Things Begin to Escalate A Bit
Shutdown, Schmutdown
Mr. Fall 2013, you ain't all that. We've had quite a few government shutdowns before and so far you aren't even average yet.
The frequency with which America has previously reached this point betrays another inconvenient truth: the willingness to shut down the federal Leviathan is by no means limited to the advocates of small government. As my colleague Andrew Stiles notes today, during the supposedly bipartisan wonder years of Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill - which are typically rolled out by revisionists to demonstrate what can happen if we all just "work together" - the government shut down no fewer than eight times, mostly at O'Neill's insistence. Likewise, during Bill Clinton's eight years in office, which are fondly remembered as a time of solid economic growth and bipartisan achievement, the government was sent home twice - on both occasions after Clinton rejected the budget.
Overall, the statistics might surprise: Of the 17 shutdowns in America's history, Democrats controlled the House during 15 and had charge of both chambers during eight. Five shutdowns happened under unified government! This makes sense. Government shutdowns are caused by legitimate and welcome disagreement between equal branches. They are certainly more likely to happen in divided government, but it is not a prerequisite.
Meet Your Oppressors: The Pale Penis People
For as long as I have been alive, public policy types have been harping about the gap between blacks and whites. Sometimes they take a break and yammer on about the lack of females in science, technology and math fields. They always start with the same premise. The pale penis people have rigged the game and are surreptitiously keeping the black man down and the chicks out of the science lab.
Don't Give Joe Biden Anything Classified
He leads a carefree life without any consequences and sometimes is a wee bit careless.
How Crazy is New York City Real Estate?
So crazy that you could literally buy a castle for the same price as a 4 bedroom walk-up apartment in the city.
Our Modern Schools: Police Officer Asked Not to Wear Uniform at Daughter's School Because Gun
CA High School: NRA Shirt "Promotes Gun Violence"
I'm beginning to think that all school principals need to be legally required to undergo mental illness screenings focusing especially on neurosis and hoplophobia.
I also have a pet theory that you only see this kind of stupid when there aren't any men with any authority at a school.
Saying of the Day
Sounds kinda Peruvian.
When the axe came into the Forest, the trees said "The handle is one of us".
The Party Stephen Hawking Threw For Time Travelers
Steven Hawking came up with a simple and clever way of seeing if time travel is possible. On June 28, 2009, he threw a party for time travellers from the future...but didn't advertise it until after the party was already over.
Yahoo group. That is all.
The group thingy. And the middle class.
And my Twitter spew.
Tonight's post brought to you by peekaboo:
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posted by Maetenloch at
08:37 PM
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