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Overnight Open Thread (13 Sep 2013) »
September 13, 2013
Bonus Embarrassment Open Thread
Hey, you know Time puts out four covers for four different areas of the word?
I didn't know that.
But they do. They have a US cover, a Europe/Middle East/Africa cover, an Asia cover, and a South Pacific cover.
Yeah I don't get how they divided the world up myself.
But anyway.
So they have four covers.
Based on the covers, one person is dominating the world's interest... but not in the whole world.

Europe/Middle East/Africa


South Pacific

United States of Obama
Someone's a little protective, eh?
Bonus Snark:
They found a picture of Putin wearing a shirt.
-- Boss Moss
via @comradearthur and @sunnyright
Podcast: Don't miss this week's podcast with John Sexton of Breitbart (@verumserum).
Or, you know. Do miss it. Doesn't really matter. It's not like we're getting paid per click.
Choose wisely. Or don't. Doesn't matter either way.