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September 09, 2013
The Media OverPraise of Obama Draft Open Thread
Well, it's off to the races for a media which desperately wants an Obama Comeback Narrative and also is a little punchy from having to deliver Obama's Bushian soundbites and pretend to not notice they were Bushian.
So now we're into the Media's OverPraising of Obama for once again choosing the easy way out and also for completely contradicting himself again.
@rdbrewer4 drafted the word "steely," as used to modify "resolve," and I offered to trade him my solid college prospect "masterful" for it.
I also drafted a potential Chris Matthews statement: "Did John Kerry just River himself a Royal Flush?!?!? Wow!" This statement has bad hands but blinding speed -- if we can train it to catch a ball, it could be a real offensive weapon.
Other things maybe worth discussing:
"The Five" mentions JohnE's post at Buzzfeed on Anti-War Celebrities who Apparently Have Been Kidnapped.
He got something like 600,000 views on that so that made an impact.
Laura Ingraham notes that Obama gaffed himself into a Red Line threat he never intended to follow through on, and John Kerry blundered the administration out of it.
Three dueling perspectives on Obama's Foreign Policy:
W.R. Mead makes the case for Stupid;
Norman Podhoretz makes the case for "Evil" (as in Obama is deliberately reducing America's influence);
and Glenn Reynolds makes the case for Stupid.
So there's your rubber match. "Stupid" wins.
John Fund, though, makes a case for Lazy.
Jim Hoft, a Warrior Among Warriors, is out of surgery, but not yet out of danger. Prayers, and visit Gateway Pundit: Those pitching in for Jim have a big story:
13 Democrats Charged With Embezzling $16 Million In Federal Grants For AIDS Charities And Other Needy Programs! Rev. Wright Daughter Among Those Charged
Alyssa Milano leaked a Sex Tape. Well... okay not really. She leaked something purporting to be a Sex Tape as a bit of social commentary. It's reasonably clever, at least for the typical crap that appears on Funny or Die.
As you can well imagine, RS McCain has continuing-round-the-clock coverage on the Alyssa Milano Sex Tape.
Including Alex Jones railing about it. All I'll say about this is that if Alex Jones thinks his ugly yelling (calling Milano a "War Whore," even though her video does not actually agitate for war) moves opinion, well, he's right. He just doesn't know the directionality of that movement.
There are a lot of people who seem to think that Yelling and Ranting are the Keys for Success. We call them Lunatics.
And while you're over there, Australia's new Liberal (that is, conservative) president has some hot daughters and you need to make yourself aware of that fact.
I hope this isn't rude but that Blonde? When I was done with her she'd look like Daffy Duck after a safe falls on him. You'd have to peel her off and shake her out like a beach-towel until she got all of her dimensions back.
Did Harvard Business School destroy itself for Wymyn's Studies?
Oh and on Saturday, when you guys don't read the site, I did a review of Now You See Me, the movie equivalent of Interstate Speeding Sex -- so dumb, but a fun way to kill the hours between Dallas and Houston.
And finally, there's not just a Rule 34 of Porn, there's a Rule 34 of Cute. I googled "dogs on a waterslide" and got a few hits.
They don't really slide down the waterslide here but look at these cute dummies trying to catch that hose-spray.
And this dog eats Kaboom. Skip to 1:10 if you don't have time. That's the good part.