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September 06, 2013
Barack Obama: Our Cause, Whatever It Is, Is Just
That was a joke I wrote.
But this was real:
Sen. Bob Corker: “What is it you’re seeking?”
Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: “I can’t answer that, what we’re seeking.”
— Senate hearing on the use of force in Syria, Sept. 3
The YOLO Doctrine in full effect.
We have a problem. The president proposes attacking Syria, and his top military officer cannot tell you the objective. Does the commander in chief know his own objective? Why, yes. “A shot across the bow,” explained Barack Obama.
Now, a shot across the bow is a warning. Its purpose is to say: Cease and desist, or the next shot will sink you. But Obama has already told the world — and Bashar al-Assad in particular — that there will be no next shot. He has insisted time and again that the operation will be finite and highly limited. Take the shot, kill some fish, go home.
What then is the purpose?
What's the purpose of Poppin' Molly? Some things we just do for the experience of them and because it's expected of us, like drinking way more than we want to drink on New Years Eve because if we're not vomiting in a lobby ficus then we're just Not Living Life to the Full.
I keep saying this: I sort of would like to bomb Assad. I sort of do want some one to give a good reason to bomb Assad, because in the Lizard Brain that all conservatives have (and apparently Qui Es Mucho Macho? Barack Obama has quite the Lizard Brain on him too) I do want to blow this guy up.
But no one's giving me that reason. It seriously is just YOLO.
Let's just see what happens.
Let's have fun with it.
There are no judgments in Brainstorming.
Don't say "No" say "Yes, and..."
Let's just stop overthinking all this! and Just Live a Little!
These are good reasons to buy $800 shoes, but not good reasons to launch a YOLO Strike.
Red Lines Make All the Difference: Jim Geraghty noted how Obama's Red Line had changed MSNBC: