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AoSHQ Podcast: Special Guest, David Freddoso »
August 30, 2013
Kevin Williamson: I Agree Completely With that Slate Article. In Fact, I'd Like to Go Somewhat Further.
So: Let's evict white liberals from their self-segregated tony suburbs and diamond-studded city neighborhoods and force them to relocate in poorer districts.
The idea is precisely the one put forth by Allison Benedikt: they'll finally have "skin in the game" as regards economically distressed neighborhoods, and therefore will be incentivized to use of all of their abundant money and all of their long-rumored talents to improve the living conditions therein.
Let's do this.
Don't think about it. Let's just do it.
That's the new paradigm. Thinking is for queerz.
You have a problem, you start passing laws and abrogating freedom.
Or, in Benedikt's terms: Let's not coerce, per se. Let's just say that any liberal who doesn't do this voluntarily is a terrible, morally-bankrupt person.
A more limited version of this -- and a more serious version -- is Meghan McArdle's formulation.
And I am on the record as saying that if you oppose vouchers, you have a moral obligation to send your kids to public schools in a horrible urban school district, rather than “skimming the cream” from said school district by decamping to the suburbs as soon as your spawn reach school age.
Precisely. If you oppose vouchers, you are morally obligated to treat your children with the same disdain you treat other people's children. If you support the Teacher Unions No Escape policy, you must suffer it yourself.