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August 25, 2013
Gaming Thread (videos aka padding overload)
They had 8 years to make a decent UI and with the new console release and yet Sony is going back to the godawful XMB
Don't get me wrong, I've had the sneaking suspicion when they showed photos of it but I still had a sliver of hope that they weren't going to continue their trend of having the worst UI in videogames. I do believe this is what you call a sucker.
More gaming stuff below....
So while Sony had an actual presser, Microsoft had low key announcements but outside of the actual release date of the Xbox One, both launches have solidified. Sony continues with their Low Budget Indie Tour 2013 while Microsoft goes to the jugular with their focus on mainstream bombast.
Launch Day lineups:
Assassin's Creed 4
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Just Dance 2014
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Madden NFL 25
NBA 2K14
NBA Live 14
Need For Speed: Rivals
Skylanders Swap Force
Watch Dogs
Killzone: Shadow Fall
Tiny Brains
War Thunder
Crimson Dragon
Dead Rising 3
Fighter Within
Forza 5
Killer Instinct
Peggle 2
Powerstar Golf
Ryse: Son of Rome
Zoo Tycoon
Zumba Fitness: World Party
Sony News
In the realm of dead platforms, where Iwata believes that games will be catalyst of new Wii U sales, Sony is going in the opposite direction with an official price drop as the Vita now retails at $200 and the memory cards are now at $15 for the 4GB, $20 for the 8GB, $40 for the 16GB and $80 for the 32GB. Wonder if anyone told them that the unofficial retailer price drops have done nothing to spur growth?
Of course I say that but they are actually getting a game, a what will be a 2 year old port of Borderlands 2 :D
Dev diary of Rain (one of my most wanted games) looking at the music
New multiplayer trailer for Killzone Shadow Fall. Hope they figured out to make something with non-crap gameplay
Gran Turismo 6 comes out on December 6th. Pre-order wise, looks like Gamestop is the place to do so as the 15th anniversary pack sounds a hell of a lot better than a code for $1 million in-game cash that Amazon is giving out.
Twitch streaming coming to PS4, completely making their big UStream announcement completely null and void
Sony did have the most interesting game of Gamescon. A new game by The Chinese Room (Dear Esther and the upcoming Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs) called Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Microsoft News
New entry in the Fable: The Journey spin off series was announced, simply titled Fable Legends. The whole IP needs a reboot, IMO.
Microsoft details their indie dev program that they've dubbed ID@Xbox.
Dedicated servers are returning to the Call of Duty series as Ghosts will be using MS's Azure platform.
Even though I know that like the first game, this will be better on the PC, I can't wait to check out Peggle 2 when I get my One
Free copy of FIFA 14 for Xbox One pre-orders in Europe. Would hate to see how much that is costing Microsoft for a pack-in game.
Ryse stealing ME3's microtransaction system for their multiplayer horde mode.
New TitanFall demo, game is going to be HUGE
New promo for the upcoming Kinect Sports Rivals. Really wish this was coming out at launch
PC/Random News
The upcoming Lords of the Fallen by the producer of Witcher 2 finally gets a trailer. Ron Perlman and Doomsday get some work.
IMO, the biggest news of the week was Blizzard announcing the first expansion pack to Diablo 3, Reaper of Souls. Contains a new act, new class (The Crusader aka Paladin), loot system reworking and a few others things. Blizzard also proved once again that they are still the kings when it comes to cinematic trailers
Upcoming MMO, Wildstar swipes CCP's Plex concept. It will be interesting to see how it works in a non-player driven economy.
Speaking of CCP, they announced their Oculus Rift focused game, EVE VR as an actual product heading under the title of EVE:Valkyrie to come out next year
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs comes out in two weeks. Pre-orders are already up on Steam and GOG for $15.99 ($20 is retail price)
Games Workshop looks to jump on that F2P money with a release of a card based version of Warhammer 40K: Space Wolf
Ubi's touchscreen software that with the power of the Kinect and a projector turns any surface into a touch screen comes out of beta. As expected, the software gets pricey ($1500 for the enterprise version)
New Releases
The reboot of Square's mmorpg, Final Fantasy XIV finally comes out. Hopefully it does better than the first time they launched the game.
Well, Killer is Dead already bombed in Japan so let's see how it does in the west (Grasshopper games always do better in the west).
After the slight misstep of the second game (I liked the multi aspect of it but it felt half finished), Capcom is looking to try out Lost Planet 3.
Another year, another Madden game and another year of huge sales. Buy it now and you can get the XBO/PS4 version for $10 when it's released.
Is there more news? Yeah but the wall it too big as it is so I'm throwing my hands up in the air.
The Dude

posted by Gang of Gaming Morons! at
05:27 PM
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