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August 26, 2013
Don Lemon: I Say, How Did Hard Work Become a Conservative Value, Rather Than a Human One?
He asks this in the wake of conservative praise for Ashton Kutcher's praise of hard work.
Here's the answer: Many liberals are in fact hard working. Top actors? Yeah, it's a competitive field. Some may have had things handed to them, but most worked hard.
So why is hard work a conservative value? Because leftists are too cowardly to transmit such wholesome, old-fashioned values. They often have those values, but feel that to tell people "You should work hard if you want to achieve anything" somehow betrays the Leftist Coalition, which is premised on the notion that All Rewards Are Unfair and Anyone Who Doesn't Have All That He Wants is a Victim of Exploitation By White Capitalists.
Why, to say people should work hard would be, in a way, "victim-blaming" and "victim-shaming"?
There's a certain amount of well-intentioned, and yet ugly, condescension here. Liberals who have achieved success know that success is almost impossible without a lot of hard work. But they don't typically say so, because, I think, they believe the average person* is incapable of such and will just feel burdened by expectations they can't meet if hard work and achievement are talked up as having some kind of link between them.
Better to just pretend it all happens by chance and there's no such thing as deserving success. That's a nice, false storyline that makes everyone feel good about themselves.
So, this is another case of liberals proclaiming something which they've been conditioned to proclaim, for political coalition purposes, which they know from their own personal experience simply is not true.
They have a lot of these. Their brains are full of things which they know are not true but they also know it is Expected of Them to regurgitate.
This is why no thinking man or woman can be a liberal, or, again, more accurately, a liberal who has given up truth for the leftist agitprop line.
The truth is too important. Apart from our life itself, there is nothing else as important.
Even freedom is less important. There is no freedom of thought without freedom to state, think, and believe the truth.
* And what is "average," anyway? Let me just postulate that celebrities -- people who are not just successful, but who have fans, and therefore are subject to a lot of gushing and ass-kissing, unlike most successful people -- tend to think they're a great deal more remarkable than they actually are.
I would further postulate this goes double for successful liberals (or, actually, leftists).
The average man has it within him to be anything but average. In fact, if you call the average average man average, he'll take it as an insult, and I don't blame me.