� "I'm Not Paranoid," Insists Noted Paranoid |
Maureen Dowd Seems to Juice a Quote, Turning It From Marginal to OUTRAGEOUS!!!; Claims "Noisy Coffeehouse" and Bad Tape Recording is the Reason for Her Error, But the Interviewee's Tape Recorded the Quote Cleanly Enough �
August 21, 2013
For Some Reason, Some Still Insist on Claiming Ron Paul is a Spokesman For a Disreputable Fringe Element Much Bothered by Conspiracies, Bilderbergers, and Jews
For some reason. Personally, I don't see why.
Also slated to speak at the conference is the president of the John Birch Society, a fringe conspiracy-theorist group that was famously denounced by the late William F. Buckley.
In early September, the men are all scheduled to speak � along with a lengthy list of archconservative clergy, lawyers and academics � at a conference in Canada sponsored by the Fatima Center, part of the �radical traditionalist Catholic� movement, perhaps the single largest group of hard-core anti-Semites in North America....
The Fatima Center�s publications have published columns criticizing the Pope for �kowtowing� to the �Synagogue of Satan,� argued that Jews are attempting to undermine the Catholic Church on behalf of Satan, and claiming that �Zionist billionaires� have been �financially raping� the Russian people. The organization also promotes New World Order conspiracy theories.
Well, let me continue the theme of the last post: Conspiracy theories are the religion of the bitter. It's fundamentally a religious response to confusion, disorder, and disappointment.
Ron Paul occasionally makes sound points but he does so almost by chance. He's worried about so many, many hobgoblins that occasionally he worries about something real.