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August 17, 1945: General Order Number One for the Surrender of Japan »
August 17, 2013
Open Thread: The Things We Believed When We Were Kids
The draft: The war in Vietnam was raging, and my friend and I learned about the draft. Getting drafted and going away to fight was a scary thought for a five year old. Later, we compared notes and realized every time we went to the Buster Brown shoe store, the clerk would ask our mothers for our birth dates and Social Security numbers. We reasoned this was how the Army found out who you were, and we determined never to give out our Social Security numbers ever again. And that meant sometimes asking mom if we could go to a different store.
Catching birds: Someone told us if you could sprinkle salt on a bird's tail, you could catch it. We tried a lot, but it never worked. Thing is, that one is probably true.
Macaroni and cheese: I couldn't eat macaroni and cheese for about five years. I couldn't figure out where the macaroni came from, and then it dawned on me one day: chicken throats. It was diced chicken throats. Just thinking about it made me nauseous. And it bothered me they called it "macaroni."
You guys got any good ones?
Open thread.
posted by rdbrewer at
07:49 PM
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