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August 13, 2013
Four Star General Indignities: 68 Year Old Wesley Clark Leaves Wife of 46 Years for 30 Year Old Girlfriend; Says It's the Wife Fault, Because of "General Indignities"
I don't like this guy. Kind of hate his guts.
I don't know what's going on in his marriage and Who Am I To Judge but I really don't like this guy. He seems to have viewed a career in the military as like advancing through the ranks of the student government, except with uniforms and dress sabres and the occasional air campaign.
Gen. Wesley Clark claimed he’s the victim of “general indignities” by his wife, in divorce papers that blame her for their marriage’s breakdown -- and not his alleged fling with a much-younger woman.
The 68-year-old former NATO Supreme Commander is filing for divorce in Arkansas against Gertrude Kingston Clark, in hopes of ending their 46-year marriage.
"General indiginities" is the Arkansas divorce law's catch-all for basic no-fault irreconcilable differences, although it technically specifies the spouse seeking the divorce must have been the victim of...
“Rudeness, vulgarity, unmerited reproach, haughtiness, contempt, contumeliousness, studied neglect, intentional incivility, injury, manifest disdain, abusive language, malignant ridicule and every other plain manifestation of settled hate, alienation, and estrangement.”
That's not grounds for divorce; that's grounds for marriage.
Clark's wife Gertrude is devastated:
“Gert is absolutely shattered by the divorce. She never saw it coming,” a friend of hers said.
“She is a very devout Catholic and the thought of divorce is abhorrent to her. She has been a loyal wife to Gen. Clark and followed him wherever his career has taken him. She feels utterly betrayed by this.”
So, of course, you all want to know what this little homewrecker might look like.

The upcoming villains in the next Bond film,
Sterling D'Argent and his bodyguard/lover Snapdragon
Meh. Bill Clinton's had better than that and he didn't have to leave his wife to get it.
What a dick.
Depak Chopra's Guide to Picking Up AZN Women: geoff and AllenG point out this tidbit I stupidly glossed right over:
We’re told Clark met Mei, a former Goldman Sachs investment banker and founder of upscale online retailer AHAlife.com, at a Deepak Chopra conference in 2012.
Depak Chopra conference? Ahh, that doesn't scream out "Late Life Crisis" at all.
What the hell? People take this guy seriously?
Good Heavens, Good Heavens.
Next time I'm seriously sick I'm going right to the best doctor in the world: Dr. Phil.