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August 02, 2013
Tenth Filner Victim: Yeah He Grabbed My Ass, But I Didn't Want to Make a Scene, Because There Were Kids Around

Ten!!! Ten!!! Ah-ah-ahhhh
Awesome. Just awesome.
"He grabbed me a little too tight, then proceeded to slide his hand down my arm and then did a little grab on my derriere," Gilbert said. "I didn’t want to make a scene there were kids around."
Classy. Grab ass in front of the kids.
Gilbert said the encounter "embarrassed" her. Her husband, Jason Gilbert, stated "What was I going to do, he’s the mayor."
The woman works as a Marilyn Monroe impersonator, so, you know. Asking for it I guess.
With ten accusers having now come forward, and rumors having swirled about this guy for years, and a Democratic assemblywoman Lori Saldana on-record as saying she warned the party about this in 2010 but they covered it up, the National Media continues to show an intense interest in not asking any questions on this story.
They refuse to ask Jess Derfee (head of the San Diego Democratic Party) questions, they refuse to ask Lori Saldana questions, they refuse to ask Nancy Pelosi how she could have possibly not heard about the one-man WarOnWomen conducted by her close colleague and her co-conspirator in creating the California Progressive Caucus.
Why, it's almost as if they're acting as Ward Captains for the party they belong to.