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July 30, 2013
Weiner Communications Director Communicates About a Tattletale Intern, Calling Her a "B*tch," "Tw*t," "C*nt," and "Slutbag"
Sorry to stack up another post like this but there's a lot of chatter about it.
A hot college intern named Olivia Nuzzi joined the Weiner campaign, then started dishing dirt on some of the goings on inside of it. Weiner's communications director, Barbara Morgan, attacked the intern using all sorts of NSFW language. Including the c-word, and including, awesomely, "slutbag."
Oh, btw, sometimes Olivia Nuzzi looks like this:
Pictured: A dirty, dirty girl who's just like up for anything.
Obviously, this is another major embarrassment for Weiner, putting him in a difficult spot-- AllahPundit pointed out that Weiner can't hardly fire the communications director for "inappropriate messaging," now can he?
On the other hand, the woman says she thought she was off the record, and certainly, it seems she believed that. Who would speak this way on the record?
So here's a Democratic woman calling a Democratic girl a "slutbag." So apparently it's not just conservative radio hosts who say such things after all.
Wow -- we actually sometimes use spicy language. Who knew?
This War on Women business sure is full of nuances, textures, contradictions and complexities -- I'm happy the media works so hard to keep The Narrative simple for us.
The tattletale intern has now updated her Twitter profile to include a new description of of herself.
Update: Weiner announces a "major speech" reaching out to "all parts of the progressive movement, such as c*nts, tw*ts, c*mdumpsters and hosebeasts."
Breaking: Weiner drops from 37% to 22% with Slutbags, Tw*ts
OMG: Welcome to America, 2013.
Good Lord, what a horror show.
Who Will Rid Me of This Troublesome Weiner? When Hillary gets mad, people get taken out.