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July 29, 2013
The Great Honest Open National Discussion on Race:
Don Lemon: Black Folks Have to Aspire to Better
Goldie Taylor: Don Lemon is a "Turncoat Mofo"
Okay, so are we done now?
Can we now dispense with the farce that we're having a discussion on anything?
Do we have to continue pretending?
Is there some value in lying that I'm not seeing?
There is no need for the "discussion." There is nothing to be said. The black leadership, such as it is, panders to keep its position, and will continue saying, until the stars burn out of the sky, that there is no bad outcome in the black community that is attributable to a choice a black person makes, that every single failure is traceable to whitey.
We understand this. That's why we don't bother talking about it.
Incidentally, just so Goldie Taylor knows: The only method the honest mind uses to contradict a statement is to prove that it is untrue. Anyone who employs a different tactic -- such as the "if you say this, you are a Traitor to the Race" (how ugly and sinister that concept is, and yet Goldie Taylor deploys it without embarrassment) -- you're not a honest mind, you're just a shouty demagogue, same as a thousand venomous thugs as have come before.