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July 08, 2013
Rick Perry Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection for Governor in 2014, Fueling Speculation About 2016 Presidential Bid
In a speech touting Texas' (and his own) achievements during the longest governorship in Texas history, Perry called Texas "the New Frontier" and underlined the fact that 30% of all jobs created in America are created in Texas.
Breitbart has an AP story sketching his career. He also, apparently, "ruled out" a run for the Presidency.
The 63-year-old ruled out another try for the White House in 2016, but Perry's decision not to run again for his current post likely clears the way for longtime Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to make a serious run at the Republican gubernatorial nomination in the March primary.
Perry had initially promised to divulge his future plans by July 1 but was forced to push that back following a rare political victory by state Democrats -- a filibuster of abortion restrictions during the first 30-day special legislative session.
But, look, everyone says that.
"Any Future Plans I Will Announce in Due Time:"
Video of the actual announcement about not seeking re-election at Weekly Standard (first video).